What Happens if You Bake a Pie Again a Few Days After

In this world, there exists such a matter equally perfect bakers. Yous know, people whose desserts always look like they were sent to hair and makeup on their mode to the table. People who never, e'er panic when their Swiss Buttercream seems to turn into a curdled mess. People who just "whip up" some cinnamon rolls on a weekend morning.

Pie Crust

I covet the ease and confidence that these people possess. Though I am an experienced bakery, I even so get a wee bit intimidated when making sure things: scones, sourdough bread, anything that moms specialize in.

And pie—especially pie chaff.

Pie Crust

I have get semi-comfy making pie crust past post-obit the 2 aureate rules: use cold ingredients and don't overwork the dough. If I'm extra worried about impressing people, I'll blend the butter and flour in the food processor. Otherwise I just snap the butter in with my fingers because I like the feel of it, working quickly, inappreciably animate until the water ice water is added and the disk of dough is chilling in the fridge. And then I gyre it out just as speedily, sending a niggling prayer upwards to the butter and flour gods while I piece of work.

My pies usually turns out perfectly okay. Sometimes they turn out excellent. Sometimes not. I brand pie an awful lot (birthdays, holidays, Sundays, give thanks-y'all-for-fixing-my-oven-days), and there have been many struggles and failures, typically regarding the crust. Peradventure it was too crumbly, too mucilaginous, or too dry. Maybe this has happened to you, too. And through trial (many trials) and error (many errors), every bit well as a healthy dose of internet research, I accept found some tricks to help set up pie crust woes, both before and afterward they're in the oven. And I transfer my wisdom to you.

Here's how to set up your pie crust issues if...

  1. Your dough is besides crumbly.
  2. Your dough breaks when you press information technology in the pan.
  3. Your crust shrinks when it bakes.
  4. Your crust is pale and underbaked.
  5. Your crust is likewise tough.
  6. Your (pie's) bottom is soggy.
  7. Your pecan pie's pecans accept gone soft.
  8. Your pumpkin pie is cracked.
  9. Your fruit filling is too liquid-y.
  10. Your chaff is a total failure.

Pie Crust

Your dough is likewise crumbly.

If your pie dough breaks and crumbles when yous try to roll it out, information technology'due south probably likewise dry. This is a relatively easy set. Just sprinkle some cold h2o over the dough with your fingers and piece of work information technology in—gently!—until the dough comes together. If your dough gets as well warm, send it back into the fridge to arctic out. When you take it dorsum out, it should roll more easily.

Your dough breaks when yous press it in the pan.

Starting time of all, did y'all transfer the pie chaff to the pan using the rolling pivot method? To practise this, put your rolling pin slightly to one side rolled-out dough circle, then fold the dough over onto it. Elevator the pin and carefully move the hanging dough over to the pie pan. Lay the rolling pivot in the center of the pan and unfold the dough, then press it in. It's and so much easier than attempting to pick information technology upwardly with your easily, which volition just consequence in pain and disappointment.

Whether you used the rolling pin method or not, a cleaved dough needs fixin'. The adept news is you can camouflage tears relatively hands. Afterwards you lot've molded your crust into the pie pan, use the scraps you pinched off of the edges to patch upward whatever cracks, smoothing the seams with your fingers. If the tears are on the top chaff or the edges, sprinkle on a little bit of sugar to camouflage any imperfections. Press it lightly onto the crust and bake.

Pie Crust

Your crust shrinks when it bakes.

If you pull a pie out of the oven and the crust has shrunk and hunched onto itself, it's a sign that y'all didn't permit it rest before blistering. Letting the dough residuum is fundamental considering information technology allows the gluten to relax so that it doesn't seize upwards and retract on you later. This is why most pie experts volition suggest you to not merely let your pie dough chill before rolling information technology out simply to let it arctic in the fridge for 15 minutes or and then before baking, too.

You lot can't fix a shrunken chaff subsequently the fact, simply you can definitely camouflage it with some whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon or chocolate shavings. Or but serve the pie already sliced and plated, so your guests tin can't see how much it shrunk in the pan. No big.

Your crust is pale and underbaked.

Easy! Merely bake it some more than. To ensure a bronzed, shiny crust, I similar to give the pie a quick brush with eggwash before sending it back into the oven. Make sure your oven is hot enough: 425° F or 450° F is platonic. Merely set a timer beginning so that y'all don't terminate up with a burnt pie.

Blind Baking Pie

Your crust is too tough.

If your pie chaff is tough instead of tender and flaky, y'all probably either overworked the dough or added as well much water to it. There's not much to do in this situation but plate up a piece and throw on a scoop of ice cream. Don't sweat it: Y'all'll do meliorate adjacent time.

Your (pie's) lesser is soggy.

At that place are a couple reasons you might accept been a victim of S.B.S. (Soggy Lesser Syndrome). Maybe y'all needed to par-bake your crust. Maybe your filling was likewise liquidy. Perhaps you were watching "Oh Brother Where Art One thousand?"while baking.

This is a tricky trouble to set up, but hope is non lost. If it's a fruit pie, endeavour putting it dorsum in the oven for a few minutes on the very bottom rack, thus putting the underbaked lesser closer to the heat source. If it's a custard pie, don't try to re-broil it; you run a risk compromising your lovely filling. Instead, scoop the insides into a glass serving dish and top with cookies or whipped cream. Looks, it'due south a trifle! That's totally what you intended all forth, right?

In the future, in that location are a few ways to avert S.B.South.:

  1. It's helpful to broil your pie in a glass-bottom dish so that yous can see when the lesser is bronzed to your liking.
  2. Always par-broil the chaff if the recipe calls for information technology.
  3. If your fruit filling seems extra moisture, bleed off a little fleck of liquid before adding information technology to the pan.

If you're actress worried virtually soggy crusts (perhaps you've had some bad experiences in the past), you can sprinkle flour on the chaff earlier adding the filling, or even brush the dough with a beaten egg.

Pecan Pie

Your pecan pie's pecans accept gone soft.

Whole pecans can cost an arm and a leg (unless y'all have a pecan tree in your yard!), and then it'due south a real bummer when they turn mushy and soft in your pie. To avert this, toast your pecans before adding them to the syrupy, sticky filling. Not only will it fortify them against sogginess, information technology will also bring out their lovely, nutty flavor.

More: Vegan pecan pies deserve toasted nuts, besides.

Pumpkin Pie

Your pumpkin pie is cracked.

Oops! You baked it too long. It's best to take pumpkin pie (and sweet white potato pie, and cheesecake pie) out of the oven whenjustshy of completely set up. Near five minutes before the prescribed baking time is upwards, gently jiggle your pie. When the only part that moves is a i-inch circle in the heart, it'south fix. The residual estrus of the pie will carry it through.

Now you know better for next time. If y'all're worried about being judged for your croaky pie facade, you tin camouflage information technology easily. Summit your pie with crumbled ginger cookies, embrace it with a facemask of whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon, or layer on some softened apples. You just fabricated your pie evenbetter.

Your fruit filling is also liquid-y.

Commencement question: Did you permit your pie set at least thirty minutes before cutting into information technology? You demand to requite the filling a petty bit of time to settle in before slicing, or all of the fruit's juices volition runneth complimentary. If you lot did look and your filling is still too liquidy, then, unfortunately, there's not much to do to fix it. Pie milk shake time!

In the hereafter, if you fear your fruit filling will end up a niggling wet (this is especially common with juicier fruits, like berries, particularlyif they are frozen), add together a tablespoon of cornstarch earlier baking to thicken things up. Heads up: Adding cornstarch volition make the filling a little bit cloudy. If this concerns you lot, invest in some tapioca starch instead, which dissolves clear.


If all else fails and your pie crust is an utter disappointment.

If your pie is fruit-filled, yous tin can always scrape the filling into a blistering dish, top it with a quick buttery crumble fabricated with whatever's in your fridge, and bake information technology until it's bubbly. Or make a speedy printing-in olive oil crust, which never fails you. Or just cover the whole thing with so much whipped foam and ice cream that no one notices. Or just pour more than vino.

After all, it'due south just pie.

Do you lot have more pie issues? Shout 'em out in the comments -- nosotros'll put our heads together and see if we can come with a solution!


Source: https://food52.com/blog/14789-kitchen-rescue-how-to-fix-10-common-pie-problems

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